Monday, May 10, 2010

La Faute à Fidel

Going against the grain of my tour guide who suggested books to read, I've been on a French film kick, with four movies under my belt in oh, what, two weeks. One is awaiting me on my DVD. My trick of late is to search for films to record from cable using the keyword function working with the DVD. I plug in "Paris" or "French" and see what comes up. (Ah, I just realized I haven't searched using the word "France." Must do that.)
Anyway, I just finished watching this film - La Faute à Fidel (Blame It On Fidel) - featuring an enchanting performance by Nina Kervel, who plays young Anna. In this movie, you can see how little Anna's Spanish-born lawyer father and French journalist-turned-writer mother decide to say goodbye to their bourgeois life and work in the name of human rights. The little boy who plays Anna's brother is adorable, too. Has anyone seen this one?

P.S. I also caught a movie called "Before Sunset" playing on cable, which is a film that one of you recommended I should see, and I taped it on my DVD - that's next in the line-up of French films to watch. : )

Until Paris ...


Elaine Leon said...

What a sweet movie! I will have to watch it! Hey did you watch Coco Avant Chanel? You would love it!

Je m'appelle Cynthia said...

Thanks, Elaine, for the reminder to see Coco Avant Chanel. I plan to get that next. So many French films to see ... thank goodness I have over four months until Paris!

Parisbreakfasts said...

I found 'fidel' on Netflix and it's FREEEE
The Closet is a good one for learning Fr and very silly.
I LOVE Before Sunset and the other, After Sunrise or some such title-same actors and Paris
I meant to write a rhyme
but now I haven't the time
To Fidel

Sabina said...

Up next on my Netflix list - Blame It On Fidel - merci Cynthia!! I love "Before Sunset" and have seen it too many times but can never resist watching it, one more time, when it come on TV. xoxo's!!

A 2 Z said...


Try watching Bleu with Juliette Binoche. I wrote about on my blog Monday. :)

Cathy said...

I second A 2 Z's motion on Bleu -- a very stylish movie. The thriller La Femme Nikita -- if you can handle the whole violent concept of a junkie becoming a government trained killer-- is also quite stylish. It's way better than the American remake, Point of No Return. And of course there's always A Man and A Woman -- I covet Anouk Aimee's hair and wardrobe in this movie. Actually, I covet everything she wears in every movie. She is my style icon!

Ridicule is a good 18th century period piece set at the court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Fanny Ardant is deliciously wicked -- and gorgeous. I love that the French celebrate the beauty and sex appeal of the older woman.

From the BBC series on Paris, Blood and Chocolate (Part 2 of 3). Enjoy!

Streets of Paris - I shot this the day I left Paris, on a rainy September morning.

Small group Paris tours for women